
  • Business
As build-to-rent moves from the niche to the mainstream there are several key considerations for success, according to Christian Grahame, Head of HOME, which is Australia’s largest build-to-rent platform developing and managing properties across the country.
  • Business
Louis Christopher, Managing Director and founder of highly regarded investment research firm, SQM Research, shared his insights into what makes a superior unlisted property fund at the PFA 2024 Conference at the Gold Coast recently.
  • Business
Market dislocation and bifurcation is creating significant investment opportunities for commercial real estate investors including superannuation funds, according to Mary Power, Principal Consultant at JANA Investment Advisers, who spoke at the recent Property Funds Association of Australia (PFA) Conference on the Gold Coast.
  • Finance
There are many strong investment opportunities in commercial real estate but investors need to work harder for their returns, according to property investment analyst Benjamin Martin-Henry, Head of Real Assets Research Pacific at MSCI, speaking at the recent Property Funds Association of Australia (PFA) 2024 national conference at the Gold Coast.
  • Wholesale Investor Test
Several representatives of the PFA Issues & Regulatory Committee (IRC) met with ASIC just before the Easter break in late March, as part of a dialogue on the regulatory issues which impact unlisted property funds.
  • Wholesale Investor Test
As we have previously discussed, the Property Funds Association of Australia (PFA) has been at the forefront of actively representing members’ interests as part of Treasury’s MIS Review for which it received submissions, including from the PFA, in September 2023. The PFA has also subsequently met with Treasury in February to discuss its concerns and seek feedback.
  • PFA News
The Property Funds Association of Australia (PFA), the peak body which represents the unlisted property funds industry in Australia, has appointed experienced property industry professional, David Bowden, as Client Relationship Director.
  • PFA News
  • Wholesale Investor Test
The Property Funds Association of Australia (PFA), the peak body which represents the unlisted property funds industry in Australia, has urged minimal changes to the wholesale investor test thresholds for managed investment schemes, which is currently being reviewed by government.
  • Regulatory
New legislation regarding Unfair Contract Terms for financial products comes into effect on 9 November 2023. The new legislation will affect more unlisted property funds than the current UCT regime because it applies to contracts with a broader range of customers.
  • Environment & Sustainability
When considering trends related to ESG and commercial property, Jamie Wallis, Senior Manager of Market Engagement at the Green Building Council of Australia, says risks are increasingly associated with the impact of climate change.
  • Member Profile
Abi is a Partner of SW Audit and a Director of SW Accountants & Advisors. She has over 17 years’ experience in providing tax advice and tax compliance services to a wide range of clients, but with particular emphasis on the funds management industry. Abi’s clients include a number of ASX listed and wholesale property funds, equity funds, debt funds, corporate entities and large complex private groups. Abi is also an active committee member of the Property Council of Australia’s state taxes committee.
  • Regulatory
ASIC released a report on how investment product issuers are meeting the financial product Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO), which have now been in place for two years. The regulator said product issuers need to do better, and expressed disappointment in the level of DDO deficiencies.