PFA to present to Parliamentary Joint Committee regarding wholesale investor thresholds

Property Funds Association of Australia (PFA) has been invited to present to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC), regarding wholesale investor and client test thresholds, on 4 October 2024.
The PJC announced an inquiry into the wholesale investor and client thresholds in March 2024. PFA made a submission to this inquiry, along with collaborating with other affected associations. This followed an earlier submission to Treasury’s MIS Review, and subsequent meetings with Treasury to provide feedback.
PFA is grateful for the opportunity to present to the PJC on this issue. PFA’s stance remains unchanged:
PFA will continue to argue against any change to the wholesale investor tests, and for grandfathering should any changes be introduced
Unlisted property funds are likely to be disproportionately and adversely impacted by proposed changes to the wholesale investor thresholds
Most unlisted property funds are among the simplest investments to understand, and already have adequate regulatory protections in place
PFA will keep you updated regarding the PJC inquiry, and follow up should any further developments regarding the wholesale investor thresholds arise.